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Bowed and spreading rollers

Bowed rollers help spread material in the process, preventing the formation of wrinkles and folds. They are often used to tension and smooth the material before cutting, printing, laminating and other processes, or to separate individual strips of materiál after cutting. The rollers come with a pair of supports - either foot or flange mounted. Ideal solution for the separation of slit webs, elimination of web wrinkles, slack edges and soft spots. Available in adjust-CAMBER and fixed-CAMBER configurations.

Spreading rollers with rubber coating and spiral grooves are used to lightly expand plastic foils and nonwoven fabrics. The undercoat of the spiral deforms outwardly from the center of the roll under the influence of pulling the material to prevent materiál squeezing and wrinkle formation.

We can offer bowed and spreader rollers with antistatic or antiabrasive rubber surface, rubber coating for food industry, rollers made of chromed metal segments or with special surfaces based on request.

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Štefan Golis

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